Script: if objValue is true then¬ wsSet wdID,objNo,"HILITE",false¬ wsSend wdID,"ZOOMIN"¬else¬ set cursor to watch¬ wsSet wdID,objNo,"HILITE",true¬ wsSet wdID,2,"HILITE",false¬ put empty into btnText¬ repeat with x = 1 to number of cd btns¬ get name of cd btn x¬ put "cd btn" into word 1 to 2 of it¬ put it & numtochar(194) after btnText¬ end repeat¬ repeat with x = 1 to number of bg btns¬ get name of bg btn x¬ put "bg btn" into word 1 to 2 of it¬ put it & numtochar(194) after btnText¬ end repeat¬ ¬ put "btnList_TEXT:"&btnText&return into toSet¬ put "i23_Visible:FALSE"&return after toSet¬ put "i24_Visible:FALSE"&return after toSet¬ put "i25_Visible:FALSE"&return after toSet¬ put "i26_Visible:FALSE"&return after toSet¬ put "i27_Visible:FALSE"&return after toSet¬ put "i28_Visible:FALSE"&return after toSet¬ put "i29_Visible:FALSE"&return after toSet¬ put "i30_Visible:FALSE"&return after toSet¬ put "i13_Disabled:FALSE"&return after toSet¬ put "i14_Disabled:FALSE"&return after toSet¬ put "i5_Visible:TRUE"&return after toSet¬ put "i6_Visible:TRUE"&return after toSet¬ put "i7_Visible:TRUE"&return after toSet¬ put "xObjType: BTN"&return after toSet¬ put "i12_NAME: RoundRect"&return after toSet¬ put "i0_ZOOMOUT"&return after toSet¬ ¬ put "Name_TEXT:"&return after toSet¬ put "Visible_HILITE: TRUE"&RETURN after toSet¬ put "Show Name_Hilite: FALSE"&return after toSet¬ put "Auto Hilite_HILITE:FALSE"&return after toSet¬ put "Shared Hilite_HILITE:FALSE"&return after toSet¬ put "Transparent_Hilite:TRUE"&return after toSet¬ put "Transparent_Hilite:FALSE"&return after toSet¬ put "TOP_TEXT:"&return&"LEFT_TEXT:"&return after toSet¬ put "HEIGHT_TEXT:"&return&"WIDTH_TEXT:"&return after toSet¬ ¬ set Properties of window wdName to toSet¬ ¬end if
ItemType: CNTL
Rect: 76,6,136,19
TextFont: Chicago
TextSize: 10
Name: Fields
Style: 480
Min: 0
Max: 100
Value: 0
Step: 1
Leap: 10
Script: if objValue is true then¬ wsSet wdID,objNo,"HILITE",false¬ wsSend wdID,"ZOOMIN"¬else¬ set cursor to watch¬ wsSet wdID,objNo,"HILITE",true¬ wsSet wdID,1,"HILITE",false¬ put empty into fldText¬ repeat with x = 1 to number of cd flds¬ get name of cd fld x¬ put "cd fld" into word 1 to 2 of it¬ put it & numtochar(194) after fldText¬ end repeat¬ repeat with x = 1 to number of bg flds¬ get name of bg fld x¬ put "bg fld" into word 1 to 2 of it¬ put it & numtochar(194) after fldText¬ end repeat¬ ¬ put "btnList_TEXT: "&fldText&return into toSet¬ put "i23_Visible:TRUE"&return after toSet¬ put "i24_Visible:TRUE"&return after toSet¬ put "i25_Visible:TRUE"&return after toSet¬ put "i26_Visible:TRUE"&return after toSet¬ put "i27_Visible:TRUE"&return after toSet¬ put "i28_Visible:TRUE"&return after toSet¬ put "i29_Visible:TRUE"&return after toSet¬ put "i30_Visible:TRUE"&return after toSet¬ put "i13_Disabled:TRUE"&return after toSet¬ put "i14_Disabled:TRUE"&return after toSet¬ put "i5_Visible:FALSE"&return after toSet¬ put "i6_Visible:FALSE"&return after toSet¬ put "i7_Visible:FALSE"&return after toSet¬ put "xObjType: FLD"&return after toSet¬ put "i12_NAME: Scrolling"&return after toSet¬ put "i0_ZOOMOUT" after toSet¬ ¬ set properties of window wdName to toSet¬end if
ItemType: LIST
Rect: 4,24,136,182
Name: BtnList
Script: --on mouseUp wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬set cursor to watch¬put empty into toSet¬if number of items in objValue = 1 then¬ put BtnList_SelectionText of window wdName into o¬ do "Get short name of o"¬ if word 2 to 3 of it ="button id" then get empty¬ put "Name_TEXT:"&&it&return after toSet¬ do "Get visible of o"¬ put "Visible_HILITE:"&&it&return after toSet¬ if xObjType of window wdName = "BTN" then¬ do "Get showname of o"¬ put "Show Name_HILITE:"&&it&return after toSet¬ do "Get autohilite of o"¬ put "Auto Hilite_HILITE:"&&it&return after toSet¬ if word 1 of o = "bg" ¬ then do "get sharedHilite of o" else get false¬ put "Shared Hilite_HILITE:"&&it&return after toSet¬ else¬ do "Get lockText of o"¬ put "Lock Text_HILITE:"&&it&return after toSet¬ do "Get ShowLines of o"¬ put "Show Lines_HILITE:"&&it&return after toSet¬ do "Get WideMargins of o"¬ put "Wide Margins_HILITE:"&&it&return after toSet¬ do "Get AutoTab of o"¬ put "Auto Tab_HILITE:"&&it&return after toSet¬ do "Get FixedLineHeight of o"¬ put "Fixed Line Height_HILITE:"&&it&return after toSet¬ do "Get DontWrap of o"¬ put "Don't Wrap_HILITE:"&&it&return after toSet¬ do "Get DontSearch of o"¬ put "Dont't Search_HILITE:"&&it&return after toSet¬ if word 1 of o = "bg" ¬ then do "get sharedText of o" else get false¬ put "Shared Text_HILITE:"&&it&return after toSet¬ end if¬ do "Get style of o"¬ put it&"_HILITE:TRUE"&return after toSet¬ do "Get rect of o"¬ put "TOP_TEXT:"&&item 2 of it&return after toSet¬ put "LEFT_TEXT:"&&item 1 of it&return after toSet¬ put "HEIGHT_TEXT:"&&(item 4 of it)-(item 2 of it)&return after toSet¬ put "WIDTH_TEXT:"&&(item 3 of it)-(item 1 of it)&return after toSet¬else¬ put "Name_TEXT:"&return after toSet¬ put "Visible_HILITE: TRUE"&RETURN after toSet¬ ¬ if xObjType of window wdName = "BTN" then¬ put "Show Name_Hilite: FALSE"&return after toSet¬ put "Auto Hilite_HILITE:FALSE"&return after toSet¬ put "Shared Hilite_HILITE:FALSE"&return after toSet¬ else¬ put "Lock text_Hilite: FALSE"&return after toSet¬ put "Show Lines_HILITE:FALSE"&return after toSet¬ put "Wide Margins_HILITE:FALSE"&return after toSet¬ put "Auto Tab_HILITE:FALSE"&return after toSet¬ put "Fixed Line Height_HILITE:FALSE"&return after toSet¬ put "Don't Wrap_HILITE:FALSE"&return after toSet¬ put "Don't Search_HILITE:FALSE"&return after toSet¬ put "Shared Text_HILITE:FALSE"&return after toSet¬ end if¬ put "Transparent_Hilite:TRUE"&return after toSet¬ put "Transparent_Hilite:FALSE"&return after toSet¬ put "TOP_TEXT:"&return&"LEFT_TEXT:"&return after toSet¬ put "HEIGHT_TEXT:"&return&"WIDTH_TEXT:"&return after toSet¬end if¬set Properties of window wdName to toSet¬¬--end mouseUp
ItemType: CHK
Rect: 254,6,308,18
Name: Visible
Hilite: TRUE
Script: put BtnList_SelectionText of window wdName into ol¬repeat with x = 1 to number of lines in ol¬ put line x of ol into o¬ do "set visible of o to objValue"¬end repeat¬
ItemType: CHK
Rect: 142,23,220,36
Name: Show Name
Script: put BtnList_SelectionText of window wdName into ol¬repeat with x = 1 to number of lines in ol¬ put line x of ol into o¬ do "set showname of o to objValue"¬end repeat¬
ItemType: CHK
Rect: 142,36,218,49
Name: Auto Hilite
Script: put BtnList_SelectionText of window wdName into ol¬repeat with x = 1 to number of lines in ol¬ put line x of ol into o¬ do "set autohilite of o to objValue"¬end repeat¬
ItemType: CHK
Rect: 142,49,230,62
Name: Shared Hilite
Script: put BtnList_SelectionText of window wdName into ol¬repeat with x = 1 to number of lines in ol¬ put line x of ol into o¬ if word 1 of o = "bg" then do "set sharedhilite of o to objValue"¬end repeat¬
ItemType: RAD
Rect: 149,96,233,109
Name: Transparent
Script: put BtnList_SelectionText of window wdName into ol¬repeat with x = 1 to number of lines in ol¬ put line x of ol into o¬ do "set style of o to objName"¬end repeat¬
ItemType: RAD
Rect: 149,109,206,122
Name: Opaque
Script: put BtnList_SelectionText of window wdName into ol¬repeat with x = 1 to number of lines in ol¬ put line x of ol into o¬ do "set style of o to objName"¬end repeat¬
ItemType: RAD
Rect: 149,122,219,135
Name: Rectangle
Script: put BtnList_SelectionText of window wdName into ol¬repeat with x = 1 to number of lines in ol¬ put line x of ol into o¬ do "set style of o to objName"¬end repeat¬
ItemType: RAD
Rect: 149,135,208,148
Name: Shadow
Script: put BtnList_SelectionText of window wdName into ol¬repeat with x = 1 to number of lines in ol¬ put line x of ol into o¬ do "set style of o to objName"¬end repeat¬
ItemType: RAD
Rect: 219,109,289,121
Name: RoundRect
Script: put BtnList_SelectionText of window wdName into ol¬repeat with x = 1 to number of lines in ol¬ put line x of ol into o¬ do "set style of o to objName"¬end repeat¬
ItemType: RAD
Rect: 219,122,301,135
Name: RadioButton
Script: put BtnList_SelectionText of window wdName into ol¬repeat with x = 1 to number of lines in ol¬ put line x of ol into o¬ do "set style of o to objName"¬end repeat¬
ItemType: RAD
Rect: 219,135,288,148
Name: Checkbox
Script: put BtnList_SelectionText of window wdName into ol¬repeat with x = 1 to number of lines in ol¬ put line x of ol into o¬ do "set style of o to objName"¬end repeat¬
ItemType: BOX
Rect: 144,85,301,152
Name: Style
ItemType: LBL
Rect: 144,4,172,16
Visible: FALSE
Text: Name
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 144,4,253,20
Name: Name
LockText: FALSE
Script: put BtnList_SelectionText of window wdName into ol¬put empty into newNames¬repeat with x = 1 to number of lines in ol¬ put line x of ol into o¬ do "set name of o to objValue"¬ put (word 1 to 2 of ol) && quote&objValue"e&return after newNames¬end repeat¬set btnList_TextOfSelection of window wdName to newNames¬
ItemType: LBL
Rect: 147,155,298,167
Text:  Top    Left   Height  Width
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 144,166,182,182
Name: Top
LockText: FALSE
TextAlign: Center
KeyFilter: OnlyDigits
Script: if objValue is not empty then¬ put BtnList_SelectionText of window wdName into ol¬ repeat with x = 1 to number of lines in ol¬ put line x of ol into o¬ do "set top of o to objValue"¬ end repeat¬end if
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 183,166,221,182
Name: Left
LockText: FALSE
TextAlign: Center
KeyFilter: OnlyDigits
Script: if objValue is not empty then¬ put BtnList_SelectionText of window wdName into ol¬ repeat with x = 1 to number of lines in ol¬ put line x of ol into o¬ do "set LEFT of o to objValue"¬ end repeat¬end if
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 222,166,260,182
Name: Height
LockText: FALSE
TextAlign: Center
KeyFilter: OnlyDigits
Script: if objValue is not empty then¬ put BtnList_SelectionText of window wdName into ol¬ repeat with x = 1 to number of lines in ol¬ put line x of ol into o¬ do "set HEIGHT of o to objValue"¬ end repeat¬end if
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 261,166,301,182
Name: Width
LockText: FALSE
TextAlign: Center
KeyFilter: OnlyDigits
Script: if objValue is not empty then¬ put BtnList_SelectionText of window wdName into ol¬ repeat with x = 1 to number of lines in ol¬ put line x of ol into o¬ do "set WIDTH of o to objValue"¬ end repeat¬end if
ItemType: CHK
Rect: 142,24,210,36
Visible: FALSE
Name: Lock Text
Script: put BtnList_SelectionText of window wdName into ol¬repeat with x = 1 to number of lines in ol¬ put line x of ol into o¬ do "set lockText of o to objValue"¬end repeat¬
ItemType: CHK
Rect: 142,37,216,49
Visible: FALSE
Name: Show Lines
Script: put BtnList_SelectionText of window wdName into ol¬repeat with x = 1 to number of lines in ol¬ put line x of ol into o¬ do "set showLines of o to objValue"¬end repeat¬
ItemType: CHK
Rect: 142,50,226,62
Visible: FALSE
Name: Wide Margins
Script: put BtnList_SelectionText of window wdName into ol¬repeat with x = 1 to number of lines in ol¬ put line x of ol into o¬ do "set wideMargins of o to objValue"¬end repeat¬
ItemType: CHK
Rect: 142,63,206,75
Visible: FALSE
Name: Auto Tab
Script: put BtnList_SelectionText of window wdName into ol¬repeat with x = 1 to number of lines in ol¬ put line x of ol into o¬ do "set autotab of o to objValue"¬end repeat¬
ItemType: CHK
Rect: 219,24,305,36
Visible: FALSE
Name: Fixed Line H…
Script: put BtnList_SelectionText of window wdName into ol¬repeat with x = 1 to number of lines in ol¬ put line x of ol into o¬ do "set fixedlineheight of o to objValue"¬end repeat¬
ItemType: CHK
Rect: 219,37,292,49
Visible: FALSE
Name: Don't Wrap
Script: put BtnList_SelectionText of window wdName into ol¬repeat with x = 1 to number of lines in ol¬ put line x of ol into o¬ do "set dontwrap of o to objValue"¬end repeat¬
ItemType: CHK
Rect: 219,50,300,62
Visible: FALSE
Name: Don't Search
Script: put BtnList_SelectionText of window wdName into ol¬repeat with x = 1 to number of lines in ol¬ put line x of ol into o¬ do "set dontsearch of o to objValue"¬end repeat¬
ItemType: CHK
Rect: 219,63,298,75
Visible: FALSE
Name: Shared Text
Script: put BtnList_SelectionText of window wdName into ol¬repeat with x = 1 to number of lines in ol¬ put line x of ol into o¬ if word 1 of o = "bg" then do "set sharedtext of o to objValue"¬end repeat¬